
Showing posts from March 24, 2019

Should I follow up on job interview when HR said they will update on my hiring 2 weeks agoHow can I check on the progress of an application?When writing a follow-up letter to an interview, how do I mention to a potential employer that I'll be attending a relevant conference?How to follow-up with hiring manager after peer interview… I don't want to be a pest!Job offered, interview done, salary offered, how to follow up?Hiring manager went silent at start upI had an interview with a local hospital two weeks ago. Am i still in the running after receiving this email?Contacted after interview for another phone call, but didn't get the call. Should I follow up again?Should I tell an interviewer they hired me for a different job years ago?When and how should I follow up again on an interview? (6 weeks since interview)Should I send a delayed thank-you two weeks after the interview?

Global amount of publications over time How should I respond when I lied about my education and the company finds out through background check? Some numbers are more equivalent than others Indicating multiple different modes of speech (fantasy language or telepathy) Java - What do constructor type arguments mean when placed *before* the type? Can I use my Chinese passport to enter China after I acquired another citizenship? Does the Mind Blank spell prevent the target from being frightened? A Permanent Norse Presence in America Diode in opposite direction? What is this type of notehead called? What is the gram­mat­i­cal term for “‑ed” words like these? Customize circled numbers Using a siddur to Daven from in a seforim store Can the Supreme Court overturn an impeachment? Confusion on Parallelogram Engineer refusing to file/disclose patents How do I repair my stair bannister? What linear sensor for a keyboard? My friend...

Neita durbani Notae | Tabula navigationisDe genereAmplifica

SatyriniSpecies insectorum ex locis appellataeTaxa TrimenTaxa 1887 AnglicepapiliofamiliaeNymphalidarumAfrica AustraliendemicusLatitudo alarummaribusfeminisOctobriFebruariumannumLarvaegraminibusvescuntur Neita durbani Taxinomia Regnum: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Classis: Insecta Ordo: Lepidoptera Familia: Nymphalidae Tribus: Satyrini Genus: Neita Species: N. durbani Binomen Neita durbani (Trimen, 1887) [1] Synonyma Pseudonympha D'Urbani Trimen, 1887 Neocoenyra durbani Neita durbani (Anglice Durban’s brown ) est papilio familiae Nymphalidarum, in Africa Australi endemicus. Latitudo alarum est 45–48 mm in maribus et feminis. Adulti ab Octobri exeunte ad Februarium volare solent. Est una generatio per annum [2] Larvae probabiliter graminibus vescuntur. Larvae in Ehrharta erecta alita sunt. Notae | ↑ De genere apud situm ↑ Steve Woodhall, Field Guide to Butterflies of South Africa (Cape Town: Struik Publishers, 2005). Vide Neitam durbani apud V...

Reply ‘no position’ while the job posting is still there (‘HiWi’ position in Germany)Supervisor and GRA roles in submitting a grantCan one get a faculty position by posting CV on job websites?Leaving PhD program to apply for industry job - better to apply while still officially enrolled?Appropriate process for following up on university job postingWhy would a tenure-track job posting ask for an undergraduate transcript?What is the meaning of posting a position-opening announcement multiple times at a research-focused institution? cover letter: Address to “Hiring Committee Member” or to faculty member listed on job posting?Very obscure job posting for faculty position. Pass onward, or keep to myself?Question on etiquette while trying to secure a postdoctoral positionApplying for job while 3/4 done with MS program

How do ground effect vehicles perform turns? Can I sign legal documents with a smiley face? Could solar power be utilized and substitute coal in the 19th century? Melting point of aspirin, contradicting sources Is XSS in canonical link possible? Folder comparison Generating adjacency matrices from isomorphic graphs Can I Retrieve Email Addresses from BCC? How will losing mobility of one hand affect my career as a programmer? Fly on a jet pack vs fly with a jet pack? Reply ‘no position’ while the job posting is still there (‘HiWi’ position in Germany) How to align and center standalone amsmath equations? Does having a TSA Pre-Check member in your flight reservation increase the chances that everyone gets Pre-Check? In Star Trek IV, why did the Bounty go back to a time when whales were already rare? How much character growth crosses the line into breaking the character Is camera lens focus an exact point or a range? What is the gram...