
Showing posts from April 23, 2019

Gaius Quinctius Atticus Notae | Tabula navigationis

ConsulesSenatoresNati saeculo 1Mortui saeculo 1 aut 2 1 Novembris69VitellioGnaeo Caecilio SimpliceVespasianumTituo Flaviuo Sabino Gaius Quinctius Atticus (nescimus, quando natus mortuusve sit) senator Romanus primo saeculo post Christum natum fuit. 1 Novembris anni 69 a Vitellio imperatore cum Gnaeo Caecilio Simplice consul suffectus creatus est. Cum Flaviana pars Romam aggrederetur, Quinctius ad Vespasianum imperatorem transiit. Quinctius cum Tituo Flaviuo Sabino in Capitolium se recepit. Cum Vitelliani Capitolium oppugnarent et eius aedificia partim incenderentur, Quinctius comprehensus et ad Vitellium missus est. " Sed Vitellius consulis supplicium poscenti populo restitit, placatus ac velut vicem reddens, quod interrogantibus quis Capitolium incendisset, se reum Atticus obtulerat eaque confessione, sive aptum tempori mendacium fuit, invidiam crimenque agnovisse et a partibus Vitellii amolitus videbatur. [1] " Tum Quinctius in carcerem missus est, Gnaeus Cornelius Simpl...

Can I criticise the more senior developers around me for not writing clean code? Unicorn Meta Zoo #1: Why another podcast? Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar ManaraHow can I deal with a coworker who doesn't particularly care about code quality?How to deal with html / css programmer who comments out all changes he makes to CSS instead of deleting themDoes anyone get fired over bad code?How to manage a developer who objects to our code reviews as being “rude, condescending or otherwise toxic?”Teammates are actively ignoring my work, what should I do?How to deal with a difficult junior programmer?How to handle a developer getting defensive when faced with breaking code?How clean does the code have to be on my githubHow to navigate working with a development process that is not supportive of clean code?How to deal with a software developer who doesn't seem to understand that he's just a coder?

Is it accepted to use working hours to read general interest books? When speaking, how do you change your mind mid-sentence? How would you suggest I follow up with coworkers about our deadline that's today? Can gravitational waves pass through a black hole? Married in secret, can marital status in passport be changed at a later date? What happened to Viserion in Season 7? How to keep bees out of canned beverages? Suing a Police Officer Instead of the Police Department Coin Game with infinite paradox Was Objective-C really a hindrance to Apple software development? "Working on a knee" Why does Java have support for time zone offsets with seconds precision? Will I be more secure with my own router behind my ISP's router? What is the evidence that custom checks in Northern Ireland are going to result in violence? What were wait-states, and why was it only an issue for PCs? Why aren't road bicycle wheels tiny? Is a self contained air-bu...

Where did Arya get these scars? Unicorn Meta Zoo #1: Why another podcast? Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara Favourite questions and answers from the 1st quarter of 2019Why did Arya refuse to end it?Has the pronunciation of Arya Stark's name changed?Has Arya forgiven people?Why did Arya Stark lose her vision?Why can Arya still use the faces?Has the Narrow Sea become narrower?Does Arya Stark know how to make poisons outside of the House of Black and White?Why did Nymeria leave Arya?Why did Arya not kill the Lannister soldiers she encountered in the Riverlands?What is the current canonical age of Sansa, Bran and Arya Stark?

Does a Draconic Bloodline sorcerer's doubled proficiency bonus for Charisma checks against dragons apply to all dragon types or only the chosen one? What is the ongoing value of the Kanban board to the developers as opposed to management Does using the Inspiration rules for character defects encourage My Guy Syndrome? Where did Arya get these scars? Why doesn't the university give past final exams' answers? Coin Game with infinite paradox Are these square matrices always diagonalisable? Does every subgroup of an abelian group have to be abelian? How long can a nation maintain a technological edge over the rest of the world? Why isPrototypeOf() returns false? What were wait-states, and why was it only an issue for PCs? Writing a T-SQL stored procedure to receive 4 numbers and insert them into a table TV series episode where humans nuke aliens before decrypting their message that states they come in peace What happened to Viserion in Season 7? Does...