
Showing posts from April 22, 2019

Sardilianum Index Insigne | Geographia | Oeconomia | Sermones | Ethnográphia | Historia | Clari cives | Urbis administratio | Aedificia egregia | Ecclesia Catholica Romana | Fractiones, vici et loci in municipio | Municipia finitima | Nexus interni Nexus externi | Pinacotheca | Notae | Tabula navigationis° ′ ″ Sept., ° ′ ″ Ort.Pagina interretialisPagina officialis123Amplifica

Municipia in provincia Alexandriae -i, n. ItalianeoppidumItaliaemunicipiumRegionePedemontioProvincia Alexandrina Sardilianum Sardigliano Pedemontice: Sandijan Administratio Terra: Italia Regio: Pedemontium Provincia: Alexandrina Statiellorum Indicia fundamentalia Coordinata: ° ′ ″ Sept. , ° ′ ″ Ort. Incolae:   (2013) Res aliae Zona temporalis: UTC+1 Nota autocineti: AL Nomen incolarum: Sardilianenses Charta Pagina interretialis Sardilianum [1] [2] [3] (-i, n. ) (Italiane: Sardigliano ) est oppidum Italiae et municipium, in Regione Pedemontio et in Provincia Alexandrina situm. Incolae Sardilianenses appellantur. Index 1 Insigne 1.1 Sententia 2 Geographia 3 Oeconomia 4 Sermones 5 Ethnográphia 6 Historia 7 Clari cives 8 Urbis administratio 9 Aedificia egregia 10 Ecclesia Catholica Romana 11 Fractiones, vici et loci in municipio 11.1 Fractiones 11.2 Loci 12 Municipia finitima 13 Nexus interni 14 Nexu...

Output the slug and name of a CPT single post taxonomy term Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara Planned maintenance scheduled April 23, 2019 at 23:30 UTC (7:30pm US/Eastern) 2019 Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire 2019 Community Moderator Election Resultsecho term name outside the loop, using term slugGet term slug of current postpermalink /category/post-name with custom post type and taxonomywp_query: How to retrieve current term slug in custom taxonomy?Fetch posts list from fist CPT taxonomy term and list under 2. CPTPrint Custom Taxonomy Term NameDisplay associated taxonomy child name on single CPT pageremoving custom tax & CPT slug, adding taxonomy term in front of custom typeOutput the content of a term organised by each of the CPT?Echo term slug op post on archive page

How to break 信じようとしていただけかも知れない into separate parts? /bin/ls sorts differently than just ls Is there a verb for listening stealthily? Is "ein Herz wie das meine" an antiquated or colloquial use of the possesive pronoun? false 'Security alert' from Google - every login generates mails from '' Etymology of 見舞い Pointing to problems without suggesting solutions What is the ongoing value of the Kanban board to the developers as opposed to management Does traveling In The United States require a passport or can I use my green card if not a US citizen? Help Recreating a Table Lights are flickering on and off after accidentally bumping into light switch Is Vivien of the Wilds + Wilderness Reclamation a competitive combo? What is the difference between 准时 and 按时? What were wait-...

Estrun Nexus interni Nexus externi | Tabula navigationisGeoNames59219Amplifica

Communia Praefecturae Septentrionis 2008praefecturaeSeptentrionisFranciaeSeptentrione et Freto Estrun: lacus Estrun est commune 447 incolarum (anno 2008) praefecturae Septentrionis in Franciae borealis regione Septentrione et Freto. Nexus interni Index communium praefecturae Septentrionis Nexus externi | Vicimedia Communia plura habent quae ad Estrun spectant. Situs geographici et historici: Locus : 50°14′53″N 3°17′39″E  • GeoNames  • " 59219 " apud INSEE .mw-parser-output .stipulapadding:3px;background:#F7F8FF;border:1px solid grey; .stipula td.cell1background:transparent;color:white Haec stipula ad geographiam spectat. Amplifica , si potes! This page is only for reference, If you need detailed information, please check here
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