How to compute a Jacobian using polar coordinates? Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara Planned maintenance scheduled April 23, 2019 at 23:30 UTC (7:30 pm US/Eastern)How do I convert a vector field in Cartesian coordinates to spherical coordinates?gradient in polar coordinate by changing gradient in Cartesian coordinateJacobian of the change of variablesJacobian Determinant of Polar-Coordinate TransformationPolar coordinates and Jacobian of $frac12 r $Elementary JacobianPartial derivative in polar coordinatesHow do I prove this identity involving polar coordinates and $nabla$?What is the Jacobian in this transformationDoubt about differentia operatorl in polar coordinates

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How to compute a Jacobian using polar coordinates?

Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara
Planned maintenance scheduled April 23, 2019 at 23:30 UTC (7:30 pm US/Eastern)How do I convert a vector field in Cartesian coordinates to spherical coordinates?gradient in polar coordinate by changing gradient in Cartesian coordinateJacobian of the change of variablesJacobian Determinant of Polar-Coordinate TransformationPolar coordinates and Jacobian of $frac12 r $Elementary JacobianPartial derivative in polar coordinatesHow do I prove this identity involving polar coordinates and $nabla$?What is the Jacobian in this transformationDoubt about differentia operatorl in polar coordinates



Consider the transformation $F$ of $mathbb R^2setminus(0,0)$ onto itself defined as
F(x, y):=left( fracxx^2+y^2, fracyx^2+y^2right).$$

Its Jacobian matrix is
beginbmatrix fracy^2-x^2(x^2+y^2)^2 & -frac2xy(x^2+y^2)^2 \ -frac2xy(x^2+y^2)^2 & fracx^2-y^2(x^2+y^2)^2 endbmatrix,quad textand its determinant equals frac-1(x^2+y^2)^2.$$

The following alternative computation is wrong at (!) and (!!), and I cannot see why.

Let $phicolon (0, infty)times (-pi, pi)to mathbb R^2$ be the map $$phi(r, theta) =(rcos theta, rsin theta).$$ Let moreover $$tag2tildeF:=phi^-1circ Fcirc phi;$$ then, by an easy direct computation, $$tildeF(r, theta)=left( frac1r, thetaright).$$The Jacobian matrix of $tildeF$ is, thus, $$tag!beginbmatrix frac-1r^2 & 0 \ 0 & 1endbmatrix , quad textand its determinant equals frac-1r^2.$$On the other hand, by (2) and by the chain rule, the Jacobian determinants of $F$ and $tildeF$ are equal. We conclude that the Jacobian determinant of $F$ is $$tag!! frac-1r^2=frac-1x^2+y^2.$$

The result (!!) is off by a factor of $r^-2$ from the correct one, which is given in (1). Equation (!) must also be wrong. Indeed, computing the Jacobian matrix from (2) using the chain rule I obtain the result
beginbmatrix fracxsqrtx^2+y^2 & fracysqrtx^2+y^2 \ -fracyx^2+y^2 & fracxx^2+y^2endbmatrix beginbmatrix fracy^2-x^2(x^2+y^2)^2 & -frac2xy(x^2+y^2)^2 \ -frac2xy(x^2+y^2)^2 & fracx^2-y^2(x^2+y^2)^2 endbmatrixbeginbmatrix costheta & -rsintheta \ sin theta & rcos thetaendbmatrix = beginbmatrix -frac1r^2 & 0 \ 0 & frac1r^2endbmatrix,$$

which is different from the matrix in (!), and which gives the correct determinant of $-1/r^4$, as it should be.

Can you help me spot the mistake?

share|cite|improve this question




    Consider the transformation $F$ of $mathbb R^2setminus(0,0)$ onto itself defined as
    F(x, y):=left( fracxx^2+y^2, fracyx^2+y^2right).$$

    Its Jacobian matrix is
    beginbmatrix fracy^2-x^2(x^2+y^2)^2 & -frac2xy(x^2+y^2)^2 \ -frac2xy(x^2+y^2)^2 & fracx^2-y^2(x^2+y^2)^2 endbmatrix,quad textand its determinant equals frac-1(x^2+y^2)^2.$$

    The following alternative computation is wrong at (!) and (!!), and I cannot see why.

    Let $phicolon (0, infty)times (-pi, pi)to mathbb R^2$ be the map $$phi(r, theta) =(rcos theta, rsin theta).$$ Let moreover $$tag2tildeF:=phi^-1circ Fcirc phi;$$ then, by an easy direct computation, $$tildeF(r, theta)=left( frac1r, thetaright).$$The Jacobian matrix of $tildeF$ is, thus, $$tag!beginbmatrix frac-1r^2 & 0 \ 0 & 1endbmatrix , quad textand its determinant equals frac-1r^2.$$On the other hand, by (2) and by the chain rule, the Jacobian determinants of $F$ and $tildeF$ are equal. We conclude that the Jacobian determinant of $F$ is $$tag!! frac-1r^2=frac-1x^2+y^2.$$

    The result (!!) is off by a factor of $r^-2$ from the correct one, which is given in (1). Equation (!) must also be wrong. Indeed, computing the Jacobian matrix from (2) using the chain rule I obtain the result
    beginbmatrix fracxsqrtx^2+y^2 & fracysqrtx^2+y^2 \ -fracyx^2+y^2 & fracxx^2+y^2endbmatrix beginbmatrix fracy^2-x^2(x^2+y^2)^2 & -frac2xy(x^2+y^2)^2 \ -frac2xy(x^2+y^2)^2 & fracx^2-y^2(x^2+y^2)^2 endbmatrixbeginbmatrix costheta & -rsintheta \ sin theta & rcos thetaendbmatrix = beginbmatrix -frac1r^2 & 0 \ 0 & frac1r^2endbmatrix,$$

    which is different from the matrix in (!), and which gives the correct determinant of $-1/r^4$, as it should be.

    Can you help me spot the mistake?

    share|cite|improve this question







      Consider the transformation $F$ of $mathbb R^2setminus(0,0)$ onto itself defined as
      F(x, y):=left( fracxx^2+y^2, fracyx^2+y^2right).$$

      Its Jacobian matrix is
      beginbmatrix fracy^2-x^2(x^2+y^2)^2 & -frac2xy(x^2+y^2)^2 \ -frac2xy(x^2+y^2)^2 & fracx^2-y^2(x^2+y^2)^2 endbmatrix,quad textand its determinant equals frac-1(x^2+y^2)^2.$$

      The following alternative computation is wrong at (!) and (!!), and I cannot see why.

      Let $phicolon (0, infty)times (-pi, pi)to mathbb R^2$ be the map $$phi(r, theta) =(rcos theta, rsin theta).$$ Let moreover $$tag2tildeF:=phi^-1circ Fcirc phi;$$ then, by an easy direct computation, $$tildeF(r, theta)=left( frac1r, thetaright).$$The Jacobian matrix of $tildeF$ is, thus, $$tag!beginbmatrix frac-1r^2 & 0 \ 0 & 1endbmatrix , quad textand its determinant equals frac-1r^2.$$On the other hand, by (2) and by the chain rule, the Jacobian determinants of $F$ and $tildeF$ are equal. We conclude that the Jacobian determinant of $F$ is $$tag!! frac-1r^2=frac-1x^2+y^2.$$

      The result (!!) is off by a factor of $r^-2$ from the correct one, which is given in (1). Equation (!) must also be wrong. Indeed, computing the Jacobian matrix from (2) using the chain rule I obtain the result
      beginbmatrix fracxsqrtx^2+y^2 & fracysqrtx^2+y^2 \ -fracyx^2+y^2 & fracxx^2+y^2endbmatrix beginbmatrix fracy^2-x^2(x^2+y^2)^2 & -frac2xy(x^2+y^2)^2 \ -frac2xy(x^2+y^2)^2 & fracx^2-y^2(x^2+y^2)^2 endbmatrixbeginbmatrix costheta & -rsintheta \ sin theta & rcos thetaendbmatrix = beginbmatrix -frac1r^2 & 0 \ 0 & frac1r^2endbmatrix,$$

      which is different from the matrix in (!), and which gives the correct determinant of $-1/r^4$, as it should be.

      Can you help me spot the mistake?

      share|cite|improve this question


      Consider the transformation $F$ of $mathbb R^2setminus(0,0)$ onto itself defined as
      F(x, y):=left( fracxx^2+y^2, fracyx^2+y^2right).$$

      Its Jacobian matrix is
      beginbmatrix fracy^2-x^2(x^2+y^2)^2 & -frac2xy(x^2+y^2)^2 \ -frac2xy(x^2+y^2)^2 & fracx^2-y^2(x^2+y^2)^2 endbmatrix,quad textand its determinant equals frac-1(x^2+y^2)^2.$$

      The following alternative computation is wrong at (!) and (!!), and I cannot see why.

      Let $phicolon (0, infty)times (-pi, pi)to mathbb R^2$ be the map $$phi(r, theta) =(rcos theta, rsin theta).$$ Let moreover $$tag2tildeF:=phi^-1circ Fcirc phi;$$ then, by an easy direct computation, $$tildeF(r, theta)=left( frac1r, thetaright).$$The Jacobian matrix of $tildeF$ is, thus, $$tag!beginbmatrix frac-1r^2 & 0 \ 0 & 1endbmatrix , quad textand its determinant equals frac-1r^2.$$On the other hand, by (2) and by the chain rule, the Jacobian determinants of $F$ and $tildeF$ are equal. We conclude that the Jacobian determinant of $F$ is $$tag!! frac-1r^2=frac-1x^2+y^2.$$

      The result (!!) is off by a factor of $r^-2$ from the correct one, which is given in (1). Equation (!) must also be wrong. Indeed, computing the Jacobian matrix from (2) using the chain rule I obtain the result
      beginbmatrix fracxsqrtx^2+y^2 & fracysqrtx^2+y^2 \ -fracyx^2+y^2 & fracxx^2+y^2endbmatrix beginbmatrix fracy^2-x^2(x^2+y^2)^2 & -frac2xy(x^2+y^2)^2 \ -frac2xy(x^2+y^2)^2 & fracx^2-y^2(x^2+y^2)^2 endbmatrixbeginbmatrix costheta & -rsintheta \ sin theta & rcos thetaendbmatrix = beginbmatrix -frac1r^2 & 0 \ 0 & frac1r^2endbmatrix,$$

      which is different from the matrix in (!), and which gives the correct determinant of $-1/r^4$, as it should be.

      Can you help me spot the mistake?

      calculus multivariable-calculus differential-geometry

      share|cite|improve this question

      share|cite|improve this question

      share|cite|improve this question

      share|cite|improve this question

      edited 1 hour ago




      asked 2 hours ago

      Giuseppe NegroGiuseppe Negro



          2 Answers






          The Jacobians of the two functions aren't equal by the chain rule.

          In actual fact, $D(phi(frac1r, costheta)) × DtildeF(r, theta)= DF times D(phi(r, theta))$

          share|cite|improve this answer




            I don't think there is any contradiction here.

            Consider the volume form
            $$ omega_rm Cart = dx wedge dy.$$
            Your first calculation shows that the pullback $F^star(omega_rm Cart)$ is given by
            $$ F^star(omega_rm Cart) = - frac1(x^2+y^2)^2omega_rm Cart.$$

            Now consider the volume form
            $$ omega_rm Polar = dr wedge dtheta.$$
            Your second calculation shows that

            $$ F^star(omega_rm Polar)=-frac 1 r^2 omega_rm Polar. $$

            We can use this to recompute $F^star(omega_rm Cart)$. In view of the fact that
            $$ omega_rm Cart = r omega_rm Polar,$$
            we have:
            F^star(omega_rm Cart) &= F^star(romega_rm Polar) \ &= F^star(r) F^star(omega_rm Polar) \ &= frac 1 r left( - frac 1 r^2omega_rm Polar right) \ &= - frac1r^4 left(romega_rm Polar right) \ &= - frac 1 r^4 omega_rm Cart

            which is consistent with the first calculation!

            As for the application of the chain rule, we have:
            $$ (Dbar F)|_(r, theta) = D(phi^-1)|_Fcirc phi(r, theta) (DF)|_phi(r, theta) (Dphi)|_(r, theta)$$

            The key point is that you must evaluate $D(phi^-1)$ at the point $left(frac x (x^2 +y^2), frac y (x^2 + y^2)right)$, not at the point $(x, y)$.

            This is equal to

            $$ D(phi^-1)|_Fcirc phi(r, theta) = beginbmatrix fracfracxx^2 + y^2sqrtleft(fracxx^2 + y^2 right)^2+left( fracyx^2 + y^2right)^2 & fracfracyx^2 + y^2sqrtleft(fracxx^2 + y^2 right)^2+left( fracyx^2 + y^2right)^2 \ -fracfracyx^2 + y^2left(fracxx^2 + y^2 right)^2+left( fracyx^2 + y^2right)^2 & fracfracxx^2 + y^2left(fracxx^2 + y^2 right)^2+left( fracyx^2 + y^2right)^2endbmatrix = beginbmatrixcostheta & sin theta \ - rsin theta & rcostheta endbmatrix$$
            which is not the inverse of $(Dphi)|_(r, theta)$.

            share|cite|improve this answer


            • $begingroup$
              I couldn't expect a better answer. You nailed it completely. Also, thank you for suggesting the viewpoint of volume forms; that makes for much slicker computations.
              – Giuseppe Negro
              51 mins ago

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            2 Answers












            The Jacobians of the two functions aren't equal by the chain rule.

            In actual fact, $D(phi(frac1r, costheta)) × DtildeF(r, theta)= DF times D(phi(r, theta))$

            share|cite|improve this answer




              The Jacobians of the two functions aren't equal by the chain rule.

              In actual fact, $D(phi(frac1r, costheta)) × DtildeF(r, theta)= DF times D(phi(r, theta))$

              share|cite|improve this answer






                The Jacobians of the two functions aren't equal by the chain rule.

                In actual fact, $D(phi(frac1r, costheta)) × DtildeF(r, theta)= DF times D(phi(r, theta))$

                share|cite|improve this answer


                The Jacobians of the two functions aren't equal by the chain rule.

                In actual fact, $D(phi(frac1r, costheta)) × DtildeF(r, theta)= DF times D(phi(r, theta))$

                share|cite|improve this answer

                share|cite|improve this answer

                share|cite|improve this answer

                answered 1 hour ago

                George DewhirstGeorge Dewhirst





                    I don't think there is any contradiction here.

                    Consider the volume form
                    $$ omega_rm Cart = dx wedge dy.$$
                    Your first calculation shows that the pullback $F^star(omega_rm Cart)$ is given by
                    $$ F^star(omega_rm Cart) = - frac1(x^2+y^2)^2omega_rm Cart.$$

                    Now consider the volume form
                    $$ omega_rm Polar = dr wedge dtheta.$$
                    Your second calculation shows that

                    $$ F^star(omega_rm Polar)=-frac 1 r^2 omega_rm Polar. $$

                    We can use this to recompute $F^star(omega_rm Cart)$. In view of the fact that
                    $$ omega_rm Cart = r omega_rm Polar,$$
                    we have:
                    F^star(omega_rm Cart) &= F^star(romega_rm Polar) \ &= F^star(r) F^star(omega_rm Polar) \ &= frac 1 r left( - frac 1 r^2omega_rm Polar right) \ &= - frac1r^4 left(romega_rm Polar right) \ &= - frac 1 r^4 omega_rm Cart

                    which is consistent with the first calculation!

                    As for the application of the chain rule, we have:
                    $$ (Dbar F)|_(r, theta) = D(phi^-1)|_Fcirc phi(r, theta) (DF)|_phi(r, theta) (Dphi)|_(r, theta)$$

                    The key point is that you must evaluate $D(phi^-1)$ at the point $left(frac x (x^2 +y^2), frac y (x^2 + y^2)right)$, not at the point $(x, y)$.

                    This is equal to

                    $$ D(phi^-1)|_Fcirc phi(r, theta) = beginbmatrix fracfracxx^2 + y^2sqrtleft(fracxx^2 + y^2 right)^2+left( fracyx^2 + y^2right)^2 & fracfracyx^2 + y^2sqrtleft(fracxx^2 + y^2 right)^2+left( fracyx^2 + y^2right)^2 \ -fracfracyx^2 + y^2left(fracxx^2 + y^2 right)^2+left( fracyx^2 + y^2right)^2 & fracfracxx^2 + y^2left(fracxx^2 + y^2 right)^2+left( fracyx^2 + y^2right)^2endbmatrix = beginbmatrixcostheta & sin theta \ - rsin theta & rcostheta endbmatrix$$
                    which is not the inverse of $(Dphi)|_(r, theta)$.

                    share|cite|improve this answer


                    • $begingroup$
                      I couldn't expect a better answer. You nailed it completely. Also, thank you for suggesting the viewpoint of volume forms; that makes for much slicker computations.
                      – Giuseppe Negro
                      51 mins ago



                    I don't think there is any contradiction here.

                    Consider the volume form
                    $$ omega_rm Cart = dx wedge dy.$$
                    Your first calculation shows that the pullback $F^star(omega_rm Cart)$ is given by
                    $$ F^star(omega_rm Cart) = - frac1(x^2+y^2)^2omega_rm Cart.$$

                    Now consider the volume form
                    $$ omega_rm Polar = dr wedge dtheta.$$
                    Your second calculation shows that

                    $$ F^star(omega_rm Polar)=-frac 1 r^2 omega_rm Polar. $$

                    We can use this to recompute $F^star(omega_rm Cart)$. In view of the fact that
                    $$ omega_rm Cart = r omega_rm Polar,$$
                    we have:
                    F^star(omega_rm Cart) &= F^star(romega_rm Polar) \ &= F^star(r) F^star(omega_rm Polar) \ &= frac 1 r left( - frac 1 r^2omega_rm Polar right) \ &= - frac1r^4 left(romega_rm Polar right) \ &= - frac 1 r^4 omega_rm Cart

                    which is consistent with the first calculation!

                    As for the application of the chain rule, we have:
                    $$ (Dbar F)|_(r, theta) = D(phi^-1)|_Fcirc phi(r, theta) (DF)|_phi(r, theta) (Dphi)|_(r, theta)$$

                    The key point is that you must evaluate $D(phi^-1)$ at the point $left(frac x (x^2 +y^2), frac y (x^2 + y^2)right)$, not at the point $(x, y)$.

                    This is equal to

                    $$ D(phi^-1)|_Fcirc phi(r, theta) = beginbmatrix fracfracxx^2 + y^2sqrtleft(fracxx^2 + y^2 right)^2+left( fracyx^2 + y^2right)^2 & fracfracyx^2 + y^2sqrtleft(fracxx^2 + y^2 right)^2+left( fracyx^2 + y^2right)^2 \ -fracfracyx^2 + y^2left(fracxx^2 + y^2 right)^2+left( fracyx^2 + y^2right)^2 & fracfracxx^2 + y^2left(fracxx^2 + y^2 right)^2+left( fracyx^2 + y^2right)^2endbmatrix = beginbmatrixcostheta & sin theta \ - rsin theta & rcostheta endbmatrix$$
                    which is not the inverse of $(Dphi)|_(r, theta)$.

                    share|cite|improve this answer


                    • $begingroup$
                      I couldn't expect a better answer. You nailed it completely. Also, thank you for suggesting the viewpoint of volume forms; that makes for much slicker computations.
                      – Giuseppe Negro
                      51 mins ago





                    I don't think there is any contradiction here.

                    Consider the volume form
                    $$ omega_rm Cart = dx wedge dy.$$
                    Your first calculation shows that the pullback $F^star(omega_rm Cart)$ is given by
                    $$ F^star(omega_rm Cart) = - frac1(x^2+y^2)^2omega_rm Cart.$$

                    Now consider the volume form
                    $$ omega_rm Polar = dr wedge dtheta.$$
                    Your second calculation shows that

                    $$ F^star(omega_rm Polar)=-frac 1 r^2 omega_rm Polar. $$

                    We can use this to recompute $F^star(omega_rm Cart)$. In view of the fact that
                    $$ omega_rm Cart = r omega_rm Polar,$$
                    we have:
                    F^star(omega_rm Cart) &= F^star(romega_rm Polar) \ &= F^star(r) F^star(omega_rm Polar) \ &= frac 1 r left( - frac 1 r^2omega_rm Polar right) \ &= - frac1r^4 left(romega_rm Polar right) \ &= - frac 1 r^4 omega_rm Cart

                    which is consistent with the first calculation!

                    As for the application of the chain rule, we have:
                    $$ (Dbar F)|_(r, theta) = D(phi^-1)|_Fcirc phi(r, theta) (DF)|_phi(r, theta) (Dphi)|_(r, theta)$$

                    The key point is that you must evaluate $D(phi^-1)$ at the point $left(frac x (x^2 +y^2), frac y (x^2 + y^2)right)$, not at the point $(x, y)$.

                    This is equal to

                    $$ D(phi^-1)|_Fcirc phi(r, theta) = beginbmatrix fracfracxx^2 + y^2sqrtleft(fracxx^2 + y^2 right)^2+left( fracyx^2 + y^2right)^2 & fracfracyx^2 + y^2sqrtleft(fracxx^2 + y^2 right)^2+left( fracyx^2 + y^2right)^2 \ -fracfracyx^2 + y^2left(fracxx^2 + y^2 right)^2+left( fracyx^2 + y^2right)^2 & fracfracxx^2 + y^2left(fracxx^2 + y^2 right)^2+left( fracyx^2 + y^2right)^2endbmatrix = beginbmatrixcostheta & sin theta \ - rsin theta & rcostheta endbmatrix$$
                    which is not the inverse of $(Dphi)|_(r, theta)$.

                    share|cite|improve this answer


                    I don't think there is any contradiction here.

                    Consider the volume form
                    $$ omega_rm Cart = dx wedge dy.$$
                    Your first calculation shows that the pullback $F^star(omega_rm Cart)$ is given by
                    $$ F^star(omega_rm Cart) = - frac1(x^2+y^2)^2omega_rm Cart.$$

                    Now consider the volume form
                    $$ omega_rm Polar = dr wedge dtheta.$$
                    Your second calculation shows that

                    $$ F^star(omega_rm Polar)=-frac 1 r^2 omega_rm Polar. $$

                    We can use this to recompute $F^star(omega_rm Cart)$. In view of the fact that
                    $$ omega_rm Cart = r omega_rm Polar,$$
                    we have:
                    F^star(omega_rm Cart) &= F^star(romega_rm Polar) \ &= F^star(r) F^star(omega_rm Polar) \ &= frac 1 r left( - frac 1 r^2omega_rm Polar right) \ &= - frac1r^4 left(romega_rm Polar right) \ &= - frac 1 r^4 omega_rm Cart

                    which is consistent with the first calculation!

                    As for the application of the chain rule, we have:
                    $$ (Dbar F)|_(r, theta) = D(phi^-1)|_Fcirc phi(r, theta) (DF)|_phi(r, theta) (Dphi)|_(r, theta)$$

                    The key point is that you must evaluate $D(phi^-1)$ at the point $left(frac x (x^2 +y^2), frac y (x^2 + y^2)right)$, not at the point $(x, y)$.

                    This is equal to

                    $$ D(phi^-1)|_Fcirc phi(r, theta) = beginbmatrix fracfracxx^2 + y^2sqrtleft(fracxx^2 + y^2 right)^2+left( fracyx^2 + y^2right)^2 & fracfracyx^2 + y^2sqrtleft(fracxx^2 + y^2 right)^2+left( fracyx^2 + y^2right)^2 \ -fracfracyx^2 + y^2left(fracxx^2 + y^2 right)^2+left( fracyx^2 + y^2right)^2 & fracfracxx^2 + y^2left(fracxx^2 + y^2 right)^2+left( fracyx^2 + y^2right)^2endbmatrix = beginbmatrixcostheta & sin theta \ - rsin theta & rcostheta endbmatrix$$
                    which is not the inverse of $(Dphi)|_(r, theta)$.

                    share|cite|improve this answer

                    share|cite|improve this answer

                    share|cite|improve this answer

                    edited 1 hour ago

                    answered 2 hours ago

                    Kenny WongKenny Wong



                    • $begingroup$
                      I couldn't expect a better answer. You nailed it completely. Also, thank you for suggesting the viewpoint of volume forms; that makes for much slicker computations.
                      – Giuseppe Negro
                      51 mins ago

                    • $begingroup$
                      I couldn't expect a better answer. You nailed it completely. Also, thank you for suggesting the viewpoint of volume forms; that makes for much slicker computations.
                      – Giuseppe Negro
                      51 mins ago

                    I couldn't expect a better answer. You nailed it completely. Also, thank you for suggesting the viewpoint of volume forms; that makes for much slicker computations.
                    – Giuseppe Negro
                    51 mins ago

                    I couldn't expect a better answer. You nailed it completely. Also, thank you for suggesting the viewpoint of volume forms; that makes for much slicker computations.
                    – Giuseppe Negro
                    51 mins ago

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