Sella rotalis Index Pinacotheca | Nexus interni Notae | Bibliographia | Nexus externi | Tabula navigationisHistory of the Wheelchair.Choosing a Wheelchair System.Putting the 'Whee!' Back in 'Wheelchair'.Who Invented the Wheelchair?History of the Wheelchair.

DomusInstrumentaOrnamenta domesticaVehicula

sellarotisambulatiomorbumdamnum corporisdebilitasmanibusvimotrisaeculi undevicensimiligneasaeculo vicensimolitoralisNederlandianivalishortis

Confucius, philosophus Sinicus, in sella rotali propellitur. Adumbratio aetatis posterioris, circa 1680.

Sella rotalis[1] est sella rotis instructa, qua homines utuntur cum ambulatio propter morbum, damnum corporis, aut debilitas difficilis est. A loco ad locum se transferre sic possunt, sive manibus, sive vi motri; etiam ab aliis propelli possunt.


  • 1 Pinacotheca

  • 2 Nexus interni

  • 3 Notae

  • 4 Bibliographia

  • 5 Nexus externi

Pinacotheca |

Nexus interni

  • Accessibilitas

  • Ambulatrum

  • Index Barthel

  • Technologia adiuvans

Notae |

  1. Ebbe Vilborg. Norstedts svensk-latinska ordbok. Editio secunda ab anno 2009.

Bibliographia |

  • Garber, S. L. 1985. Wheelchair Cushions: A Historical Review. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy 39(7): 453–59.

  • Simpson, Richard C. 2005. Smart Wheelchairs: A Literature Review. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development 42 (4): 423–38.

Nexus externi |


Vicimedia Communia plura habent quae ad sellam rotalem spectant.

  • Anderson, Rachel. 2013. History of the Wheelchair. Where It's At, 11 Octobris.

  • Ferguson-Pell, M. 1992. Choosing a Wheelchair System. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development.

  • Flaherty, Joseph. 2012. Putting the 'Whee!' Back in 'Wheelchair'. Wired, 25 Maii.

  • Koerth-Baker, Maggie. 2009. Who Invented the Wheelchair? Mental Floss, Inc. (, 2 Februarii.

  • Watson, Nick, Brian Woods, and Kara Rogers. 2014. History of the Wheelchair. Encyclopaedia Britannica.

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