Sella rotalis Index Pinacotheca | Nexus interni Notae | Bibliographia | Nexus externi | Tabula navigationisHistory of the Wheelchair.Choosing a Wheelchair System.Putting the 'Whee!' Back in 'Wheelchair'.Who Invented the Wheelchair?History of the Wheelchair.
DomusInstrumentaOrnamenta domesticaVehicula
sellarotisambulatiomorbumdamnum corporisdebilitasmanibusvimotrisaeculi undevicensimiligneasaeculo vicensimolitoralisNederlandianivalishortis
Sella rotalis[1] est sella rotis instructa, qua homines utuntur cum ambulatio propter morbum, damnum corporis, aut debilitas difficilis est. A loco ad locum se transferre sic possunt, sive manibus, sive vi motri; etiam ab aliis propelli possunt.
1 Pinacotheca
2 Nexus interni
3 Notae
4 Bibliographia
5 Nexus externi
Pinacotheca |
Sella rotalis saeculi undevicensimi.
Sella rotalis lignea, saeculo vicensimo ineunte.
Sella rotalis litoralis in litore publico in Nederlandia.
Sella rotalis nivalis in hortis
Nexus interni
- Accessibilitas
- Ambulatrum
- Index Barthel
- Technologia adiuvans
Notae |
↑ Ebbe Vilborg. Norstedts svensk-latinska ordbok. Editio secunda ab anno 2009.
Bibliographia |
- Garber, S. L. 1985. Wheelchair Cushions: A Historical Review. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy 39(7): 453–59.
- Simpson, Richard C. 2005. Smart Wheelchairs: A Literature Review. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development 42 (4): 423–38.
Nexus externi |
Vicimedia Communia plura habent quae ad sellam rotalem spectant. |
- Anderson, Rachel. 2013. History of the Wheelchair. Where It's At, 11 Octobris.
- Ferguson-Pell, M. 1992. Choosing a Wheelchair System. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development.
- Flaherty, Joseph. 2012. Putting the 'Whee!' Back in 'Wheelchair'. Wired, 25 Maii.
- Koerth-Baker, Maggie. 2009. Who Invented the Wheelchair? Mental Floss, Inc. (, 2 Februarii.
- Watson, Nick, Brian Woods, and Kara Rogers. 2014. History of the Wheelchair. Encyclopaedia Britannica.