Aldehydum Nexus interni Notae | Tabula navigationis

ChemicaComposita chemicaAldehydum


Aldehyda[1][2] substantiae habent formula chemica structura simplica: RHO.

Aldehyda exempli causa sunt Alkanal et Alkenal.


  • Methanal

  • Ethanal

  • Propanal


  • Hexenal

Nexus interni

  • Saccharidum

Notae |

  1. Schlickum, O. (1879). Lateinisch-deutsches Special-Wörterbuch der pharmazeutischen Wissenschaften. Leipzig: Ernst Günther’s Verlag.

  2. Foster, F.D. (1891-1893). An illustrated medical dictionary. Being a dictionary of the technical terms used by writers on medicine and the collateral sciences, in the Latin, English, French, and German languages. New York: D. Appleton and Company.

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