Eastward Ho Nexus externi | Tabula navigationisTextusAmplifica

Ludi scaeniciLitterae AnglicaeAngliae scriptaScripta 1605Beniaminus JonsonGeorgius Chapman

Georgio ChapmanBeniamino JonsonIoanne Marston1605Doing, a filthy pleasure is, and shortTo the memory of my beloved, the author, Mr. William Shakespeare

Titulus Eastward Ho

Eastward Ho est ludus scaenicus a Georgio Chapman, Beniamino Jonson et Ioanne Marston anno 1605 doctus eodemque anno divulgatus.

Nexus externi |

  • Textus apud The Holloway Pages

Eastward Ho : Index personarum

Beniaminus Jonson
TOUCHSTONE, a goldsmith.

QUICKSILVER, GOLDING, his apprentices.
SECURITY, an old usurer.
BRAMBLE, a lawyer.
SEAGULL, a sea captain.
SCAPETHRIFT, SPENDALL, adventurers bound for Virginia.
SLITGUT, a butcher's apprentice.
POLDAVY, a tailor.
HOLDFAST, WOLF, officers of the Counter.
HAMLET, a footman.
POTKIN, a tankard-bearer.
TOBY, a prisoner.
GERTRUDE, MILDRED, her daughters.
WINIFRED, wife to Security.
SINDEFY, mistress to Quicksilver.
BETTRICE, a waiting woman.

Drawer, Coachman, Scrivener, Page, Constable, Officers, Messenger, Two Prisoners and their Friend, Gentlemen.

Opera Beniamini Jonson

Titulus editionis in folio anno 1616 divulgatae
Ludi scaenici: A Tale of a Tub  · The Case is Altered  · Every Man in His Humour  · Every Man out of His Humour  · Cynthia's Revels  · Poëtaster  · Sejanus's Fall  · Eastward Ho  · Volpone  · Epicoene  · The Alchemist  · Catiline's Conspiracy  · Bartholomew Fair  · The Devil is an Ass  · The Staple of News  · The New Inn  · The Magnetic Lady  · The Sad Shepherd  · Mortimer's Fall

Ludi personati: The Coronation Triumph  · The Penates  · The Satyr  · The Masque of Blackness  · Hymenaei  · The Hours  · The Masque of Beauty  · The Masque of Queens  · The Hue and Cry after Cupid  · The Entertainment at Britain's Burse  · The Lady of the Lake  · Oberon  · Love Freed from Ignorance and Folly  · Love Restored  · A Challenge at Tilt  · The Irish Masque at Court  · Mercury Vindicated from the Alchemists  · The Golden Age Restored  · Christmas's Masque  · The Vision of Delight  · Lovers Made Men  · Pleasure Reconciled to Virtue  · News from the New World Discovered in the Moon  · The Newcastle Entertainment  · Pan's Anniversary  · The Gypsies Metamorphosed  · The Masque of Augurs  · Time Vindicated to Himself and to his Honours  · Neptune's Triumph  · The Masque of Owls  · The Fortunate Isles and Their Union  · Love's Triumph Through Callipolis  · Chloridia  · The King's Entertainment at Welbeck  · Love's Welcome at Bolsover

Carminum collectanea: Epigrams  · The Forest  · To Penshurst  · A Discourse of Love  · The Execration against Vulcan  · Underwoods  · On My First Sonne  · To Celia

Singula poëmata selecta: "Doing, a filthy pleasure is, and short"  · "To the memory of my beloved, the author, Mr. William Shakespeare"

Versiones: Argenis  · Horace's Art of Poetry

Alia opera: English Grammar  · Timber

Scriptores scaenici Anglici: aevum litterarum renascentium

Theatrum Globe restitutum

Franciscus Beaumont · Gulielmus Berkeley · Richard Brome · Ludovicus Carlell · Gulielmus Cartwright · Georgius Chapman · Henricus Chettle · Robertus Daborne · Gulielmus Davenant · Robertus Davenport · Ioannes Day · Thomas Dekker · Ricardus Edwardes · Nathan Field · Ioannes Fletcher · Ioannes Ford · Robertus Greene · Ricardus Hathwaye · Gulielmus Haughton · Ioannes Heywood · Thomas Heywood · Beniaminus Jonson · Thomas Killigrew · Thomas Kyd · Thomas Lodge · Ioannes Lyly · Gervasius Markham · Christophorus Marlowe · Shackerley Marmion · Ioannes Marston · Philippus Massinger · Thomas May · Thomas Middleton · Antonius Munday · Thomas Nabbes · Thomas Nashe · Georgius Peele · Samuel Rowley · Gulielmus Rowley · Gulielmus Shakesperius · Iacobus Shirley · Wentworth Smith · Ioannes Suckling · Thomas Tomkis · Cyrillus Tourneur · Ioannes Webster · Georgius Wilkins · Arthurus Wilson · Robertus Wilson

Opera Georgii Chapmani

Titulus versionis Homericae
Carmina: "An Epicede on Henry Prince of Wales"  · "Andromeda liberata"  · Euthymiae Raptus  · Ovid's Banquet of Sense  · The Shadow of Night

Ludi scaenici: All Fools  · An Humorous Day's Mirth  · Bussy D'Ambois  · Caesar and Pompey  · Eastward Ho  · May Day  · Monsieur D'Olive  · Sir Giles Goosecap  · The Ball  · The Blind Beggar of Alexandria  · The Conspiracy and Tragedy of Charles Duke of Byron  · The Gentleman Usher  · The Masque of the Middle Temple and Lincoln's Inn  · The Revenge of Bussy D'Ambois  · The Tragedy of Chabot, Admiral of France  · The Widow's Tears

Versiones: The Georgics of Virgil  · Hero and Leander  · The Works of Hesiod  · Homeric Hymns  · Iliads  · Odysseys  · "The Fifth Satire of Juvenal"

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