Castanas (oppidum praehistoricum) Notae | Bibliographia | Nexus externi | Tabula navigationisInvestigating the prehistoric bread of Northern Greece: the archaeobotanical evidence for the Neolithic and the Bronze AgeSpinning and Weaving on the Balkan Peninsula during the Bronze AgeArchaeological Evidence from Northern Greece and Neighbouring CountriesAmplifica

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

Loci archaeologici GraeciaeLoci habitati aetatis aëneaeLoci habitati aetatis ferreaeMacedonia Media

vici hodierniaëneaferreaThessalonicaAxii

Castanas (Graecia boreo-orientalis physicalis )



Situs in Graecia

Castanas (Neograece Καστανάς; nomen vici hodierni) est locus archaeologicus ubi vestigia reperta sunt oppidi aetatibus aënea et ferrea habitati, chiliometris fere 40 a Thessalonica distans ad ripas fluminis Axii.

Notae |

Bibliographia |

  • H. Kroll, "Bronze age and iron age agriculture in Kastanas" in W. van Zeist, W. A. Casparie, edd., Plants and ancient man (Roterodami: Balkema, 1984) pp. 243-246

  • H. Kroll, Kastanas: Ausgräbungen in einem Siedlungshügel der Bronze- und Eisenzeit Makedoniens 1975-1979. Die Pflanzenfunde. Berolini, 1983

  • S. M. Valamoti, "Investigating the prehistoric bread of Northern Greece: the archaeobotanical evidence for the Neolithic and the Bronze Age" in K. Fechner, M. Mesnil, edd., Pains, fours et foyers des temps passés. Archéologie et traditions boulangères des peuples agriculteurs d'Europe et du Proche-Orient (2002. Civilisations vol. 49 fascc. 1-2) pp. 49-66

Nexus externi |

  • Sascha Mauel, "Spinning and Weaving on the Balkan Peninsula during the Bronze AgeArchaeological Evidence from Northern Greece and Neighbouring Countries"

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Haec stipula ad archaeologiam spectat. Amplifica, si potes!

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