Henricus Guppy Opera | Bibliographia | Tabula navigationisSitus venalis
Nati 1861Mortui 1948BibliothecariiEruditi Angliae
31 Decembris18614 Augusti1948Collegium Sion1899Bibliothecae Iohannis RylandsMancuniiUniversitatis Catholicae Lovaniensis1914Bello Orbis Terrarum I
Henricus Guppy (Henry Guppy; natus die 31 Decembris 1861; mortuus die 4 Augusti 1948), philologus, fuit bibliothecarius subordinarius apud Collegium Sion, et postea ab anno 1899 bibliothecarius Bibliothecae Iohannis Rylands Mancunii usque ad mortem. Pro refectione
Bibliotheca Universitatis Catholicae Lovaniensis, anno 1914 in Bello Orbis Terrarum I destructa, operam dedit.
Opera |
- 1903-1908 et 1914-1948 : (editor) Bulletin of the John Rylands Library
- 1909 : (editor, cum Guthrie Vine) A Classified Catalogue of the Works on Architecture and the Allied Arts in the Principal Libraries of Manchester and Salford
- 1924 : The John Rylands Library, Manchester: 1899-1935. Editio nova: 1935
- 1932 : (cum Moses Tyson) The French journals of Mrs. Thrale and Doctor Johnson edited from the original manuscripts in the John Rylands Library and the British Museum with introduction and notes by Moses Tyson and Henry Guppy
Bibliographia |
- Necrologia in Bulletin of the John Rylands Library vol. 31 pp. 173-79
- "Henry Guppy" in Oxford Dictionary of National Biography edd. H. C. G. Matthew, Brian Harrison (Oxonii: Oxford University Press, 2004) Situs venalis
- H. B. Charlton, ed., "In Honour of Henry Guppy" (Bulletin of the John Rylands Library vol. 25 (1941)). Ibi reperis bibliographiam operum Henrici Guppy et vitam ab H. B. Charlton scriptam